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LE NOUVEAU GOUVERNEMENT MEXICAIN EST ENTRE EN GUERRE SAINTE CONTRE SON PROPRE PEUPLE. ARRESTATIONS ARBITRAIRES D'HOMMES POLITIQUES COMME DE SIMPLES PASSANTS QUI AVAIENT LE MALHEUR DE SE TROUVER AU MAUVAIS ENDROIT AU MAUVAIS MOMENT, GENERALISATION DU VIOL DES PRISONNIERES, DE LA TORTURE Y COMPRIS SUR DES ENFANTS DE HUIT A DOUZE ANS , CENSURE DE TOUTE OPPOSITION... LA LUTTE NE FAIT QUE COMMENCER. El nuevo gobierno mexicano a entrado en guerra santa contra su propio pueblo. Imposición, traición, doble discurso, ruptura del pacto social, ningún respeto por los derechos humanos con la consiguiente tortura, prisión, muerte de luchadores sociales e inocentes. Censura y desprecio por la cultura y la educación.... LA LUCHA COMIENZA.

mardi 24 juillet 2007

OAXACA: brutal repression

To the national and international media.
To the people of Oaxaca and the peoples of the world.

16-7-07_cruz_vasquez.jpg 19 de julio de 2007 - Magonist Zapatista Alliance (AMZ) writes: We are writing this letter from Organizaciones Indias por los Derechos Humanos de Oaxaca (OIDHO, Oragnisation of indigenous peoples for Human Rights in Oaxaca), Comité por la Defensa de los Derechos Indígenas de Santiago Xanica (CODEDI-Xanica, Comitte for the defence of indigenous rights in Santiago Xanica), Colectivo Autónomo Magonista (CAMA, Autonomous Magonist Collective); women and men of the Alianza Magonista Zapatista (AMZ, Magonist Zapatista Alliance), to all our comrades, both in the country and internationally, we ask you to organize urgent actions to oppose fascism in the state of Oaxaca.

We want you to know that:

On Monday 16th of July there were actions organized against the commercialized version of the Guelaguetza [the traditional festival of giving and sharing celebrated by the peoples of Oaxaca dating back to the times of the Toltecs], that is being promoted by the tourism business and the bloodstained government of Ulises Ortiz Ruiz (URO). It consisted of a march and an alternative Guelaguetza, a peoples’ one. Regardless of the march having already taken place peacefully, the celebration and dances were brutally attacked by the police, which arrested 74 of those taking part in it and wounded more than 40 (according to APPO and other organizations involved in it).

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